EFM Supplies specialises in developing and supplying businesses in the mining and energy sector with quality mining & equipment cleaning chemicals. Together, EFM Supplies has 120 years of chemical formulation history and many years of chemical supply experience.
Technical Support is available from EFM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact Geoff Hall on 0499 555 222 or email on geoff@miningchemicals.com.au
EFM Supplies can provide chemical consultancy and health & safety chemical training to all clients. We are also available for chemical installation of proportioning pumps, foaming equipment and CIP computer monitoring pumps. Equipment can be supplied to selected customers on a free on loan basis.
Advice for our chemicals and its usage is available 7 days a week. We can also interchange a formulation rapidly to suit customers requirements – regardless of the volume. Unfortunately, EFM Supplies will provide chemical SDS (Safety Data Sheets) to purchasing customers only. Customer written references are also available to clients for various EFM Supplies products.
If you are interested in distributing EFM Supplies chemical products, please contact us for more information. All EFM Supplies distributors are fully trained in our products. We also supply laminated Hazchem directional charts and safety charts. Advice for distributors is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
All information supplied such as PDS (Product Data Sheets) and SDS (Safety Data Sheets) will require recipients and customers to complete a Non-Disclosure Agreement before any documents are provided.